Vivek Narayan and Sam Wright’s Instant CPA Domination is a 14-page eBook. I dug into it and found some interesting texts. This included a sentence that promised to show beginners how to get accepted by CPA networks. I clicked on one of the provided links, which led to a Warrior Forum thread. On that thread, there was another link that was said to be pointing to a guide on how to get accepted by the CPA networks.
Vivek Narayan and Sam Wright promised on their sales page that their system would be simple and quick to set up because it doesn’t require a website and consequently doesn’t require a knowledge of HTML. But that isn’t true, because although a website and its intricate requirements aren’t needed, one of the requirements to make this work is to create accounts with 30 to 50 forums.
Even if you use a software to fill the application web forms as suggested by Vivek and Sam, you’ll still be required to spend time on those forums to contribute usefully without pitching anything for five to seven days. That’s a lot of work and takes a lot of time. Even after you start pitching your offers, you’ll still need to continue spending time on the forums to stay active. So setting up the Instant CPA Domination system doesn’t qualify for “simple and quick.
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