M ark Zuckerberg has admitted that people are spending less time on Facebook after a recent overhaul of the social network. The social network's founder said on Wednesday night that time spent on Facebook had fallen by 50m hours a day, or two minutes per user – a 5pc decline. It comes after Mr. Zuckerberg ordered an overhaul of its central news feed that relegates videos as well as pages from news publishers and brands and boosts those from close friends. However, shares in the company rose in late trading after Facebook reported record profits and revenues as its advertising juggernaut continued unabated, despite signs of slowing user growth. Facebook has been under huge pressure in recent months over the fake news, claims that the social network is bad for mental health and its struggles to police the material posted by its 2.1bn users. “2017 was a strong year for Facebook, but it was also a hard one,” Mr. Zuckerberg said. "In 2018, we're focused...
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